Monday, August 5, 2013

Thought For The Week

The following was first published in the Herts & Essex Observer, 28th February 2013.
Author: Father Anthony Searle, assistant Curate, St. Michael's Church.

I hate ironing. It comes second to dusting on chores I'd rather not do. There are many things we do not like doing but should. Some of you may be blessed with not having to iron, but I am sure there are other practicalities that you dislike.

Chorse are not alone in causing us discomfort: there's saying sorry. I

I taught for 10 years. There was always that moment when the teen would squirm and avoid eye contact, but admit guilt and, sometimes, say sorry. We don't grow up much from this. We still squirm, making up excuses or changing the rules so that what was 'naughty' is not for 'me'.

The season of Lent is the time when we give up our squirming and admit our guilt: we say sorry, both to friend and stranger, and to God. And we say sorry in the knowledge that, within love, we are forgiven. This shouldn't mean that we do it all over again; but we ask for help not to repeat mis- takes. 

We cannot be good by ourselves - that's why we need others and God - we can be better

'with a little help from our friends'.
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