A slightly belated post about the Installation of our new vicar.
The Installation and Induction service for the Rev'd Derwyn
Williams took place on Tuesday, 12th March, 2013, at
8.00pm in St. Michael’s. The service was conducted by the Rt Revd Paul
Bayes, Bishop of Hertford, and followed by a Reception in the Charnley Hall.
Derwyn is a graduate of Cambridge University, firstly in Natural
Sciences, followed by two years at Ridley Hall, Cambridge, and two years
further study at Ripon College, Cuddesdon, where he completed the Oxford
Diploma in Ministry. He served his curacy in Harpenden, from where
he became Domestic Chaplain to the Bishop of St Albans, then Christopher
Herbert, for three years prior to his current position.
Derwyn has been Rector of St Swithun’s Church, Sandy, since 2000.
He comes to us with a great deal of knowledge and experience of the “other
side” of our Diocese and a keenness to learn about this side of the Diocese!
Derwyn is married to Kim and they have an infant daughter, Helena.